Current Book
An introductory lesson on the background of Mark’s gospel. Link here for the slides and handout or find on the “Studies” page.
Prepare The Way – We begin our time in Mark by looking at John the Baptist and his baptism of Jesus
Fishers Of Men – Jesus, with all power and authority on Earth, call us to be fishers of men
The Physician – Jesus came to heal the sickness that leads to eternal death, our sin.
Making Space – Today we focus on fasting- what the Old and New Testaments have to say about it and how it applies to Christians today.
Lord of the Sabbath – In Jesus we find the fulfillment of rest.
Every Day People, Eternal Purpose – Today we look at the calling of the 12 Apostles and what it means for us
No Greater Power, No Greater Value – Jesus is confronted by both religious leaders and his family. He responds with two points for us to see.
Purpose Of Parables – Today we read 4 parables and see why exactly Jesus started to teach with them.
Master Of The Wind & Waves – Jesus is able to calm the wind with his words, what is there for us to take from that?
Not Even A Legion – Jesus restores a man possessed by a multitude of demons, what can we take from this for ourselves?
Series Playlists
Recent sermons not part of a larger study
A series looking at the progressive revelation of God from the garden to gospel truth.